August 7

It is Sunday and I have resolved to try to regularly (semi-regularly?) contribute to this Blog weekly.  I got some positive feedback from one of my test readers for the draft of my new book Ashes and Memories.  If anyone might want to read a PDF version of it, just email me at and I would be more than happy to send it out.

I also more or less finished the first chapter of Pursuing Shadows which is my attempt to venture into unfamiliar territory by trying to write a funny, romantic romp about “boy meets girl” in Beijing. 

But while thinking through some matters on Pursuing Shadows a bunch of ideas popped in my head pertaining to Future’s Retrieval which will be about the repatriation of some Americans from China during World War II and the second in a series of American missionary “adventures” in China – the first being Harvest of Hunger (3/4s done already) about the North China famine 1920-21. 

It’s a fun challenge to juggle all of these more or less interrelated themes and narratives in my head.  Sometimes I have to remind myself who I am writing dialogue for, though.

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