Baby steps

Last week I had the opportunity to participate in the Oxnard Public Library Local Writer’s Showcase. It was an interesting event where I was able to meet and connect with a few other local authors. Been spending some frustrating hours cleaning up some minor errors in my manuscripts. Editing is a never-ending process. A couple…

What’s Love got to Do With It?

April 4, 2023 – Well, it has been a bit nerve-wracking since I last blogged. I’ve worked on the website and hope that it is presentable and acceptable. I’ve nearly finished preparing my trilogy of books about an American family in China during the 20th century for publication. I am not trying to organize a…

Update since October

I obviousy have not added to this blog recently. That is because I have been busy working on y trilogy of historical novels about a missionary family in China circa 1900to 1985. They are almost finiahed and ready for publication. The first is entitled Harvest of Hunger and deals with trials and tribulations associated with…

August 7

It is Sunday and I have resolved to try to regularly (semi-regularly?) contribute to this Blog weekly.  I got some positive feedback from one of my test readers for the draft of my new book Ashes and Memories.  If anyone might want to read a PDF version of it, just email me at and…

The Ideas Keep Coming

While I was beginning t work on book #4 “Pursuing Shadows” an attempt at writing a “funny” book Ideas exploded in my head for another book “Fortune’s Retrieval” about the repatriation of Americans from China during World War II. I then thought it could be a sequel to “Harvest of Hunger” (an earlier proposed book…